

Checkmate is a game position in chess and other chess-like games in which a player's king is in check and there is no way to remove the threat. Checkmating the opponent wins the game. In chess, the king is never captured—the game ends as soon as the king is checkmated.

Checkmate People (First 12 people) - Page 0

Harvey Bullock

Harvey Bullock

Fictional superhero

Adrian Chase

Adrian Chase

Comic book character

Alan Scott

Alan Scott

Fictional superhero

Maxwell Lord

Maxwell Lord

Comic book character

Sasha Bordeaux

Sasha Bordeaux

Fictional character

Amanda Waller

Amanda Waller

Snapper Carr

Snapper Carr

G. I. Robot

G. I. Robot

Fictional character

Sarge Steel

Sarge Steel

Fictional character

Mademoiselle Marie

Mademoiselle Marie

Fictional character

Valentina Vostok

Valentina Vostok

Fictional character

Black Thorn

Black Thorn

Fictional character