Congress of South African Trade Unions

Congress of South African Trade Unions

The Congress of South African Trade Unions is a trade union federation in South Africa. It was founded in 1985 and is the largest of the country's three main trade union federations, with 21 affiliated trade unions.

Congress Of South African Trade Unions People (First 16 people) - Page 0

Creative Workers Union of South Africa

Creative Workers Union of South Africa

Trade union

National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union

National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union

Trade union

Democratic Nursing Organisation

Democratic Nursing Organisation

Trade union

Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa

Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa

Trade union

SASBO – The Finance Union

SASBO – The Finance Union

Trade union

Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood . . .

Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood . . .

Trade union

South African Medical Association

South African Medical Association

Professional association

South African Football Players Union

South African Football Players Union

Trade union

Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union

Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union

Trade union

South African Commercial, Catering and . . .

South African Commercial, Catering and . . .

Trade union

South African Transport and Allied Workers . . .

South African Transport and Allied Workers . . .

Trade union

South African State and Allied Workers' Union

South African State and Allied Workers' Union

Trade union

South African Democratic Teachers Union

South African Democratic Teachers Union

Trade union

South African Municipal Workers' Union

South African Municipal Workers' Union

Trade union

Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union

Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union

National Union of Mineworkers

National Union of Mineworkers

Trade union