Cold War

Cold War

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union with its satellite states, and the United States with its allies after World War II.

Cold War People (First 15 people) - Page 2

Jeffrey Fowler

Jeffrey Fowler

Louis T. Seith

Louis T. Seith

Former general

Wilder D. Baker

Wilder D. Baker

William R. Schmidt

William R. Schmidt

Military personnel

Ignatius J. Galantin

Ignatius J. Galantin


Jackson D. Arnold

Jackson D. Arnold

Frank A. Armstrong

Frank A. Armstrong

Ronald F. Marryott

Ronald F. Marryott

Military officer

Terry M. Cross

Terry M. Cross

Commanding officer

Fort Strong

Fort Strong

RAF Bassingbourn

RAF Bassingbourn

Air station

Herbert G. Hopwood

Herbert G. Hopwood

American commanding officer

Melvin Pender Jr.

Melvin Pender Jr.

American athlete

Fort Williams

Fort Williams

Fort Ritchie

Fort Ritchie

Military installation