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Former Pope
People (First 49 people) - Page 1
Pope Gregory V
Former Pope
Pope John XIV
Former Pope
Pope John VIII
Former Pope
Former Pope
Pope Urban II
Former Pope
Pope Zachary
Former Pope
Pope Adeodatus II
Former Pope
Pope John XVII
Former Pope
Pope Celestine I
Former Pope
Pope Julius I
Former Pope
Pope Gelasius I
Former Pope
Pope Boniface IV
Former Pope
Pope Sixtus II
Former Pope
Pope Benedict II
Former Pope
Pope Nicholas I
Former Pope
Pope Stephen VIII
Former Pope
Pope Urban III
Former Pope
Pope Pontian
Former Pope
Pope Leo V
Former Pope
Benedict VII
Former Pope
Pope John XIX
Former Pope
Sylvester III
Former Pope
Pope Miltiades
Former Pope
Pope Sylvester I
Former Pope
Pope Eugene I
Former Pope
Pope Eugene II
Former Pope
Pope John XIII
Former Pope
Pope Paschal I
Former Pope
Pope Celestine V
Former Pope
Pope Lucius III
Former Pope
Pope Martin I
Former Pope
Pope Adrian I
Former Pope
Pope Vitalian
Former Pope
Pope Hormisdas
Former Pope
Pope Boniface III
Former Pope
Pope Siricius
Former Pope
Pope Liberius
Former Pope
Pope Leo VII
Former Pope
Pope Gregory II
Former Pope
Pope Innocent I
Former Pope
Pope Leo IV
Former Pope
Pope Gregory VI
Former Pope
Pope Hilarius
Former Pope
Pope Anastasius I
Former Pope
Pope Lucius I
Bishop of Rome
Pope Benedict V
Former Pope
Pope Stephen I
Bishop of Rome
Pope Sergius III
Former Pope
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