People birth day 1518-01-01 (First 11 people) - Page 1

Alice Adlam

Alice Adlam

Sylvester Danvers

Sylvester Danvers

Thomasine Cole

Thomasine Cole

Anne Dorman

Anne Dorman

William Skeffington, of Skeffington

William Skeffington, of Skeffington

Reinhard, Count of Isenburg-Birstein

Reinhard, Count of Isenburg-Birstein

Elen Griffith

Elen Griffith

John Mapes, of Feltham, Norfolk

John Mapes, of Feltham, Norfolk

John Moray, 6th of Abercairny

John Moray, 6th of Abercairny

Johann II von Hohenfels

Johann II von Hohenfels

Johann Esich

Johann Esich

German Politician