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People birth day 1837-01-01 (First 49 people) - Page 1
Helene von Gablenz-Eskeles
Khaled al-Atassi
Syrian author
Manuel García de la Huerta Pérez
Chilean Politician ‧ Manuel Garcia de la Huerta's father
Henry Charles Biddulph Cotton Raban
Emma Louise Sprigman
William Alfred Whitty
May Whitty's father
cheikh mohand ou-lhocine
Maren Grieg
Edvard Grieg's sister
Elisabeth Schmidt
Anna Vernadskaya
Ivan Chaliapin
Janet Catherine North Symonds
Hermann Flöge
Llorenç de Cabanyes i d'Olzinelles
Spanish painter
Adeline Maria Jackson
Nikolaos Makrygiannis
Joseph Antoine Cartan
Looks At Her
Fyodor Mamontov
Ivan Mamontov's son
Lev Chernyshyov
Margaret Emily Gaskell
Elizabeth Gaskell's daughter
Gustav Pankl
Maurizio Marochetti
Diplomat ‧ Carlo Marochetti's son
Claude Jaffrennou
Notary ‧ François Jaffrennou's father
Leonor Suárez de Acevedo
Leonor Acevedo Suárez's mother
Mary Stopford
khosrov bey sultanov əlipaşa bəy sultanov
Sultan bey Sultanov's father
Gertrude Martineau
Painter and woodcarver
Joaquín Espín y Pérez Colbran
Spanish composer
Augustine Faider
Octavius Vaughan Morgan
Sophie Bohlen
Annie Gosse Morgan
Zuo Xiaobin
Martha Cutsinger Terman
Cécile von Rütte-Bitzius
Jeremias Gotthelf's daughter
Eliza Prinsep
James Prinsep's daughter
William Fry
William Storrs Fry's son
Marie Josephine Ludlum
George Huntington Hartford's wife
Annie Scott
Sophia Alicia Byam Gunthorpe
Byam Shaw's mother
Olga Lvova
Sarah Tappen Dodge
Vilhelmina Ulrika Magdalena Bennet
Carl Fredrik Wachtmeister's wife
Julia Gorham Hayden
Henry Hobson Richardson's wife
Rosalie Frey-Marbach
Rosalie Wagner's daughter
Jean-Pierre Schuman
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