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People birth day 1271-01-01 (First 26 people) - Page 0
Blanche of Brittany
John II, Duke of Brittany's daughter
Mikhail of Tver
Prince of Tver
Elizabeth de Montfort, Baroness Montagu
Elizabeth de Montfort, Baroness Montagu
Nijō Tamemichi
John de Ferrers, 1st Baron Ferrers of Chartley
Robert de Ferrers, 6th Earl of Derby's son
Eifuku Mon'in
Japanese poet
Sargis II Jaqeli
Military personnel ‧ Beka I Jaqeli's son
Otto II.
Miles de Noyers
French diplomat
Olivier II de Rohan
Nagai Sadahiro
Emperor Duzong's son
Alexander de Abernethy
Toki Yorisada
Toki Yoritō's father
Robert de Throckmorton
Fyodor Pyostry
Burchard IV von Barby
Albrecht IV von Barby, Graf von Mühlingen
Joan de Criol
Sibylla de Tregoz
Isabella de Stonegrave
John de Haudlo
Sir John de Wasteneys
Cormac MacCarthy Mor, King of Desmond
Thomas Butler, 1st Baron Dunboyne