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People birth day 1926-12-26 (First 17 people) - Page 0
Ali Javan
Iranian-American physicist
Ekaterina Savinova
Soviet theatre actress
Earle Brown
American composer
James E Dittes
American psychologist
Abid Hussain
Indian economist
Jo Moutet
Musical artist
Gina Pellón
Cuban painter
Moisés Becerra
Honduran painter
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Bishop of Thetford
János Kőrössy
Mel McGaha
American baseball manager
Kolyo Georgiev
Horst Schon
M'hamed Douiri
Moroccan Politician
Nicole Pleven
Rene Pleven's daughter
Nicole Worms de Romilly
René Pleven's daughter
Noel Brian Hill