People death day 1848-01-17 (First 7 people) - Page 0

Petrobey Mavromichalis

Petrobey Mavromichalis

Former President of the Provisional Administration of Greece

Edward Herbert, 2nd Earl of Powis

Edward Herbert, 2nd Earl of Powis

Lucy Herbert, Countess of Powis

Lucy Herbert, Countess of Powis

James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose's daughter

Anna Gurney

Anna Gurney

Grigory Sergeevich Golitsyn

Grigory Sergeevich Golitsyn

Sergey Golitsyn's father

Robert Eden Duncombe Shafto

Robert Eden Duncombe Shafto


Sir Henry St John-Mildmay, 4th Baronet

Sir Henry St John-Mildmay, 4th Baronet

Former Mayor of Winchester