École Navale

École Navale

The École Navale is the French naval academy, in charge of the education of the officers of the French Navy. They are educated at the academy for responsibilities onboard surface ships and submarines, in French Naval Aviation, with the fusiliers marins and commandos, and on the general staff.

Ecole Navale People (First 10 people) - Page 1

Thomas Puga

Thomas Puga

rené de cornulier-lucinière paul de cornulier-lucinière

rené de cornulier-lucinière paul de cornulier-lucinière

Horace Jauréguiberry

Horace Jauréguiberry

Naval officer ‧ Bernard Jauréguiberry's son

Robert de Vogüé

Robert de Vogüé

Amédée Reille

Amédée Reille


René de Cornulier-Lucinière

René de Cornulier-Lucinière

Former Governor of French Cochinchina

Adrien-Jean-Albert Chanoine

Adrien-Jean-Albert Chanoine


Pierre Appell

Pierre Appell

French Politician

Émile Vivier-Deslandes

Émile Vivier-Deslandes

Naval officer

Hector de Béarn

Hector de Béarn

Naval officer