College of the Holy Cross

College of the Holy Cross

The College of the Holy Cross or better known simply as Holy Cross is a private Jesuit liberal arts college in Worcester, Massachusetts. Founded in 1843, Holy Cross is the oldest Catholic college in New England and one of the oldest in the United States.

College Of The Holy Cross People (First 40 people) - Page 2

Thomas W. Hungerford

Thomas W. Hungerford

American mathematician

Stephen W. Fesik

Stephen W. Fesik

Robert L. Devaney

Robert L. Devaney

American mathematician

Tim Bishop

Tim Bishop

Former United States Representative

J. D. Power

J. D. Power


Theodore Hesburgh

Theodore Hesburgh

American priest

J. William Middendorf

J. William Middendorf

Former United States Secretary of the Navy

Kristan Higgins

Kristan Higgins

American author

Dick Cusack

Dick Cusack

American actor ‧ John Cusack's father

Arthur Beaudet

Arthur Beaudet

Kevin Swords

Kevin Swords

Rugby union player

Douglas M. Baker, Jr

Douglas M. Baker, Jr

Chairperson of Ecolab

Michael McNulty

Michael McNulty

Former United States Representative

Edward P. Jones

Edward P. Jones

American novelist

William P. Connery

William P. Connery

Former United States Representative

John Joseph Gibbons

John Joseph Gibbons

Former Judge

Frank Shakespeare

Frank Shakespeare

Former United States Ambassador to Portugal

David Ignatius Walsh

David Ignatius Walsh

Former Governor of Massachusetts

Lawrence J. DeNardis

Lawrence J. DeNardis

Former United States Representative

Malcolm Miller

Malcolm Miller

American professional basketball player

Mark Kennedy Shriver

Mark Kennedy Shriver

Former Maryland State Delegate

John Powers

John Powers

Higher education teacher

Michael R. McNulty

Michael R. McNulty

Former United States Representative

Harry K. Thomas Jr.

Harry K. Thomas Jr.

Former United States Ambassador to Bangladesh

Dave Holmes

Dave Holmes

American actor

Maurice J. Murphy Jr.

Maurice J. Murphy Jr.

Former United States Senator

Philip Metres

Philip Metres

American writer

Bartlett Sher

Bartlett Sher

American theatre director

Broderick D. Johnson

Broderick D. Johnson

Former White House Cabinet Secretary

Eric Obeysekere

Eric Obeysekere

American-Sri Lankan basketball player

Edward Bove

Edward Bove

American surgeon

William P. Connery Jr.

William P. Connery Jr.


Maggie Wilderotter

Maggie Wilderotter


Joseph L. Tauro

Joseph L. Tauro

Former Judge

Bob Casey Jr.

Bob Casey Jr.

United States Senator

James Collins

James Collins

Football player

Louis Sockalexis

Louis Sockalexis

American baseball player

Joseph Carens

Joseph Carens


Larry Donnelly

Larry Donnelly

Attorney at law and writer

Robert J. Cotter

Robert J. Cotter

American chemist