Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile is one of the six Catholic Universities existing in the Chilean university system and one of the two Pontifical Universities in the country, along with the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso.

Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Chile People (First 49 people) - Page 2

Giorgio Jackson

Giorgio Jackson

Minister of Planning of Chile

Roberto Celedón Fernández

Roberto Celedón Fernández

Chilean lawyer

Eduardo Cretton

Eduardo Cretton

Fulvio Rossi

Fulvio Rossi

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile

Emilio Edwards

Emilio Edwards


Roberto Poblete

Roberto Poblete

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Mauricio López Fernández

Mauricio López Fernández

Film director

Josefina Fiebelkorn

Josefina Fiebelkorn


Evelyn Matthei

Evelyn Matthei

Mayor of Providencia

Javier Naranjo Solano

Javier Naranjo Solano

Former Minister for the Environment of Chile

Gabriel Silber

Gabriel Silber

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Eugenio Tironi Barrios

Eugenio Tironi Barrios

Chilean sociologist

Pamela Jiles

Pamela Jiles

Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Felipe Bulnes

Felipe Bulnes

Former Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Chile

Alberto Undurraga

Alberto Undurraga

Chilean politician

Raúl Figueroa

Raúl Figueroa

Former Minister of Public Education of Chile

Sergio Ossa

Sergio Ossa

Former Chilean Minister of National Defense

Arturo Zúñiga

Arturo Zúñiga

Former Undersecretary of Assistance Networks of Chile

Patricio Fernández Chadwick

Patricio Fernández Chadwick

Chilean writer

Susana Jiménez Schuster

Susana Jiménez Schuster

Chilean engineer

Javiera Blanco

Javiera Blanco

Chilean lawyer

Tomás Reyes Vicuña

Tomás Reyes Vicuña

Former President of the Senate of Chile

Raúl Gormaz Molina

Raúl Gormaz Molina

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile

Alberto Cooper

Alberto Cooper

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile

José Joaquín Brunner

José Joaquín Brunner

Former Minister Secretary General of the Government of Chile

Sebastián Edwards

Sebastián Edwards

Chilean economist

Guillermo Larraín

Guillermo Larraín

Former President of the Banco del Estado de Chile

Gabriel Valdés

Gabriel Valdés

Former President of the Senate of Chile

Hernán Rodríguez Wilson

Hernán Rodríguez Wilson

Civil engineer

Rosanna Costa

Rosanna Costa

President of the Central Bank of Chile

Loreto Seguel

Loreto Seguel

Former Minister Director of the National Service for Women of Chile

Lorena Recabarren

Lorena Recabarren

Political scientist

Cristián Zegers

Cristián Zegers


José García Ruminot

José García Ruminot

Senator of the Republic of Chile

Daniel Stingo

Daniel Stingo

Chilean lawyer

Eduardo Anguita

Eduardo Anguita

Chilean poet

arturo fontaine talavera

arturo fontaine talavera


Antonio Vodanovic

Antonio Vodanovic

Chilean television presenter

Francisco Bulnes Sanfuentes

Francisco Bulnes Sanfuentes

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Santiago González Larraín

Santiago González Larraín

Former Ministro de Minería de Chile

Víctor García Garzena

Víctor García Garzena

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile

Renán Fuentealba Moena

Renán Fuentealba Moena

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile

Germán Vergara Donoso

Germán Vergara Donoso

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile

Luis Larraín Arroyo

Luis Larraín Arroyo

Former Minister of the National Planification Office of Chile

Vanessa Kaiser

Vanessa Kaiser


Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa

Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa


Sebastián Piñera

Sebastián Piñera

Former President of Chile

Juan Antonio Coloma

Juan Antonio Coloma

President of the Senate of Chile

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