Universitat De Cervera People (First 8 people) - Page 0

Joaquín Ibáñez, Baron de Eroles

Joaquín Ibáñez, Baron de Eroles

Military commander

Francesc Permanyer i Tuyets

Francesc Permanyer i Tuyets

Former Mayor of Barcelona

Jaime Balmes

Jaime Balmes

Spanish philosopher

Manuel Codorniu

Manuel Codorniu

Former Member of the Senate of Spain

Joaquín Ibáñez, 3rd Baron de Eroles

Joaquín Ibáñez, 3rd Baron de Eroles

Spanish general

Manuel Milà i Fontanals

Manuel Milà i Fontanals


Cosme Argerich

Cosme Argerich

Medical doctor

Francesc Permanyer i Tuyet

Francesc Permanyer i Tuyet

Former Mayor of Barcelona