April 18

April 18

Pilla, a police officer, marries Shobana, a woman from a rich family. Their marital bliss shatters when she begins to doubt his loyalty.

April 18 People (First 49 people) - Page 0

Colonia Tovar

Colonia Tovar

Town in Venezuela

India Post

India Post

Government ministry

Whittingham Hospital

Whittingham Hospital

Giho Elementary School

Giho Elementary School

3.1 7 reviews Reviews aren't verified by Google, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. Elementary school in Yonago, Japan

Meido Elementary School

Meido Elementary School

4.2 6 reviews Reviews aren't verified by Google, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. Elementary school in Yonago, Japan

Orenstein & Koppel

Orenstein & Koppel

Manufacturing company

Hazama Ando

Hazama Ando

Construction company

Department Of Provincial Administration

Department Of Provincial Administration

Government agency

Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

New South Wales Ambulance

New South Wales Ambulance

SHV Holdings

SHV Holdings


Mitsubishi Paper Mills Limited

Mitsubishi Paper Mills Limited


C. M. Anglo Bengali College

C. M. Anglo Bengali College

Hsinchuang Elementary School

Hsinchuang Elementary School

3.5 121 reviews Reviews aren't verified by Google, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. Primary school in Taiwan

Royal Air Force Police

Royal Air Force Police

The Mama Parsi Girls' Secondary School

The Mama Parsi Girls' Secondary School

mama parsi

mama parsi

Enterprise Singapore

Enterprise Singapore

United Kingdom Research and Innovation

United Kingdom Research and Innovation

Government department

Tokyotsushin University

Tokyotsushin University

General Directorate of Security

General Directorate of Security


Theta Chi

Theta Chi

College fraternity

Matson, Inc.

Matson, Inc.


Partido Revolucionario Cubano

Partido Revolucionario Cubano

Political party

Morris & Co.

Morris & Co.

alex monaco morris

alex monaco morris

Belgian cartoonist

Union des femmes pour la défense de Paris et les soins aux blessés

Union des femmes pour la défense de Paris et les soins aux blessés

Saint Thomas - West Hospital

Saint Thomas - West Hospital

Kannada Chalavali Vatal Paksha

Kannada Chalavali Vatal Paksha

Political party

Universidad de Sta. Isabel (Universidad de Santa Isabel)

Universidad de Sta. Isabel (Universidad de Santa Isabel)

Deutsche Pfandbriefbank

Deutsche Pfandbriefbank


CPA Australia

CPA Australia

Loyal Order of Moose

Loyal Order of Moose

Nonprofit organization

Amigonian Friars

Amigonian Friars

Lithuanian Regions Party

Lithuanian Regions Party

Political party



City in Mexico



General Secretariat for Penitentiary Institutions

General Secretariat for Penitentiary Institutions

Thailand Ministry of Finance

Thailand Ministry of Finance

Government ministry

St. John's University

St. John's University

Yamagata Bank

Yamagata Bank

American School For the Deaf

American School For the Deaf

Southern Historical Society

Southern Historical Society

Mitsubishi Logistics

Mitsubishi Logistics


Siervas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Cracovia

Siervas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Cracovia



Machinery industry company



City in Ecuador

Ministry of Railways

Ministry of Railways


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