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Private school in Vinderup, Denmark
FC Victoria Rosport
Football club
NASA Deep Space Network
Union for the New Republic
Political party
Ravensburg University of Cooperative Education
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Shin Nikkei
Kadiri University
United States Court of Appeals for the . . .
Television station
Health Resources and Services . . .
Federal agency
United States Court of Appeals for the Federal . . .
United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Niigata Television Network 21
Antirasistisk Senter
Oman Arab Bank
Retail banking company
Bajrang Dal
Alliance & Leicester
Sega AM2
Video game industry company
National Museums Scotland
SETA Corporation
Computer game company
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
UASD - University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
Para University Center
Kawasaki Azalea
Shopping mall in Kawasaki, Japan
Sistemnykh Issledovaniy Institut Ran
Research institute in Moscow, Russia
Buckingham Group
Construction company
Media Research Center
Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI