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6500 cm height people (First 41 people) - Page 0
Vienna State Opera
Golden Horn Metro Bridge
Tower Bridge
5.0 5 reviews Reviews aren't verified by Google, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. Bus stop in London, England
Sydney Opera House
Kainji Dam
Minaret of Jam
Neuschwanstein Castle
Shoshone Falls Park
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Pyramid of the Sun
Viennese Giant Ferris Wheel
Seven Mile Dam
Valley View Bridge
Girder bridge
Heights Rockefeller Building
Phare d'Eckmühl
St. Basil's Cathedral
Bleiloch Reservoir
Inanda Dam
Mac-Mac Falls
Lafayette Towers
Santa Rosa Dam
41 Park Row
Building in New York City, New York
Central Park Plaza
Eglise Notre-Dame de Bonneval
Mettur Dam
Roue de Paris
National Diet Building
Lviv Town Hall
Building in Lviv, Ukraine
Ecker Dam
Guadalajara Cathedral
State of Indiana Government Center North
Fuji Television Wangan Studio
Tower in Emmeloord, Netherlands
Phoenix Plaza
Building in Hartford, Connecticut
Fulda Cathedral
Westbrook Tower
The Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs
Phoenix Tower