Porter Ridge
Every network is looking for its own `Duck Dynasty', A&E Network's wildly popular cash cow reality series that has made the charming Robertson clan of Monroe, Louisiana, into TV stars. It's produced by Gurney Productions, the same creators behind Discovery Channel's `Porter Ridge', and Discovery is certainly hoping that symmetry - in addition to a similar wholesome theme - helps lightning strike the same place twice. `Porter Ridge' takes viewers to a remote town in southern Indiana, where an eccentric band of misfits live by a simple code: Respect the Lord, love your family, and watch one another's backs. The colourful characters include Terry Porter, the owner of an auto-parts junkyard who is perpetually searching for a get-rich-quick scheme and a way to pull a fast one on Porter's chief rival, Dog Killer Ridge; Jeff, who lives with truffle-hunting brown bears; renowned hustler Dirty Andy; country calendar model Kayla; and Elvis Larry, a good-natured jack-of-all-trades. … MORE