

This disturbing Japanese thriller follows Aoyama (Ryo Ishibashi), a widower who decides to start dating again. Aided by a film-producer friend (Jun Kunimura), Aoyama uses auditions for a fake production to function as a dating service. When Aoyama becomes intrigued by the withdrawn, gorgeous Asami (Eihi Shiina), they begin a relationship. However, he begins to realize that Asami isn't as reserved as she appears to be, leading to gradually increased tension and a harrowing climax.

Audition People (First 7 people) - Page 0

Israel Nelken

Israel Nelken


Benedikt Grothe

Benedikt Grothe

German neuroscientist

Rolf Quam

Rolf Quam


Elvira Brattico

Elvira Brattico


Jonas Obleser

Jonas Obleser

German Researcher

Alyssa A. Brewer

Alyssa A. Brewer


Christine Petit

Christine Petit

French geneticist