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People with Manhwa Creator profession (First 47 people) - Page 1
Paolo Di Orazio
Paolo Ongaro
Visual artist
Pascal Bertho
Patricia Lyfoung
Comics artist
Paul Geerts
Comics artist
Paul Tobin
American writer
Paz Boïra
Spanish manhwa creator
Per Demervall
Adolfo Mazzone
Argentine comics artist
Alessandro Calore
Manhwa creator
Antonio Cedraz
Brazilian author
Arthur Piroton
Belgian author
Claire Fauvel
French illustrator
Claude Pelet
French manhwa creator
Dermot Power
Visual artist
Erwan Seure-Le Bihan
French illustrator
Esteban Maroto
Spanish comic book artist
Eugênio Colonnese
Visual artist
Flavio Colin
Brazilian graphic novelist
Francisco Pérez Navarro
Spanish screenwriter
Martin Trystram
French manhwa creator
Maurizio Dotti
Visual artist
Michelangelo La Neve
Italian author
Jean-Charles Kraehn
French manhwa creator
Jean-Michel Arroyo
Kenny Akamatsu
Japanese footballer
Leo Leowald
German manhwa creator
Nedeljko Dragić
Croatian director
Nicolas Guénet
French manhwa creator
Nicolas Moog
French author
Olivier Pâques
Belgian manhwa creator
Philippe Luguy
French manhwa creator
Philippe Wurm
Piero Tonin
Italian manhwa creator
Pierre Duteurtre
French manhwa creator
Pierre Loyvet
French manhwa creator
Pierre-Yves Gabrion
Pixel Vengeur
French manhwa creator
Quim Bou
Spanish manhwa creator
Rafael Aura León
Spanish artist
Raffaele Della Monica
Italian manhwa creator
Raphaël Drommelschlager
French manhwa creator
Régis Loisel
French cartoonist
Renaud Dillies
Graphic novelist
René Brantonne
Visual artist
René Le Honzec
Editorial cartoonist
Hyung Min-woo
South Korean visual artist