Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers

In the distant future, the Earth is at war with a race of giant alien insects. Little is known about the Bugs except that they are intent on the eradication of all human life. But there was a time before the war. . . A Mobile Infantry travels to distant alien planets to take the war to the Bugs. They are a ruthless enemy with only one mission: Survival of their species no matter what the cost. . .

Starship Troopers People (First 9 people) - Page 1

Kitten Smith

Kitten Smith

Ace Levy

Ace Levy

Tami-Adrian George

Tami-Adrian George


Dizzy Flores

Dizzy Flores

Fictional character

Captain Carmen Ibanez

Captain Carmen Ibanez

Denise Richards

Denise Richards

American actress

Sergeant Charles Zim

Sergeant Charles Zim

Captain Deladier

Captain Deladier

Corporal Bronski

Corporal Bronski