The Quest

The Quest

In the slums of New York City during the 1920s, petty thief Chris Dubois (Jean-Claude Van Damme) finds himself on the run from the police. At the docks, he hides on an outbound freight ship leaving for Asia. Taken in by the mysterious Lord Dobbs (Roger Moore) as the boat docks in Thailand, Dubois is introduced to the underground world of martial arts fighting. His training culminates in a secret battle between the world's greatest fighters that takes place before a select audience in Tibet.

The Quest People (First 17 people) - Page 1

Jason Cavalier

Jason Cavalier

Canadian stuntman

Jan Hutter

Jan Hutter


Peter Windhofer

Peter Windhofer

Austrian actor

Jean Laude

Jean Laude

French poet

Bế Văn Đàn

Bế Văn Đàn

Mike Lambert

Mike Lambert


Kōji Kitao

Kōji Kitao

Sumo wrestler

Hannah Speller

Hannah Speller


Habby Heske

Habby Heske


Rik Kiviaho

Rik Kiviaho


Frank Dux

Frank Dux

American martial artist

Douglas Tait

Douglas Tait

American actor

Don Crann

Don Crann


Abdel Qissi

Abdel Qissi

Moroccan actor

Ryan Velásquez

Ryan Velásquez


Maxie Devine

Maxie Devine

Mark Ordesky

Mark Ordesky

American film producer