

Based on Homer's "Iliad," this epic portrays the battle between the ancient kingdoms of Troy and Sparta. While visiting Spartan King Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson), Trojan prince Paris (Orlando Bloom) falls for Menelaus' wife, Helen (Diane Kruger), and takes her back to Troy. Menelaus' brother, King Agamemnon (Brian Cox), having already defeated every army in Greece, uses his brother's fury as a pretext to declare war against Troy, the last kingdom preventing his control over the Aegean Sea.

Troy People (First 7 people) - Page 1

Jen Silverman

Jen Silverman

American playwright

Brian Cox

Brian Cox


Ajax the Great

Ajax the Great

Greek hero



Mythological character

Tanja Tzarovska

Tanja Tzarovska

Macedonian singer

Diana Rathbun

Diana Rathbun

Film producer

Tanja Carovska

Tanja Carovska

Macedonian singer