Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey

This historical drama follows the lives of the Crawley family and their servants in the family's Edwardian country house. The programme begins with the 1912 sinking of the Titanic, which leaves Downton Abbey's future in jeopardy, as Lord Grantham's presumptive heir -- his cousin James -- and his son, Patrick, die aboard the ship, leaving him without a male offspring to take over the throne upon his death. As a result, Lord Grantham must search for a new heir. As the programme progresses through the decade, other historical events happen leading up to Lord Grantham declaring in 1914 that Britain is at war with Germany, marking the beginning of World War I, which becomes a major plot on the programme.

Downton Abbey People (First 13 people) - Page 2

Tuppence Middleton

Tuppence Middleton


Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith


Dan Stevens

Dan Stevens

American musician

Raquel Cassidy

Raquel Cassidy


Thomas Howes

Thomas Howes

Film actor

Robert Crawley, Earlof Grantham

Robert Crawley, Earlof Grantham

Film character

Henry Talbot

Henry Talbot

Movie character

Matthew Crawley

Matthew Crawley

Film character

Sir John Bullock

Sir John Bullock

Lady Rosamund Painswick

Lady Rosamund Painswick

Fictional character

Mrs. Drake Downton Abbey

Mrs. Drake Downton Abbey

Septimus Spratt

Septimus Spratt

Ava Mann

Ava Mann