

Acrobunch is a mecha anime series aired in 1982. There were 24 episodes. It is also referred to as "Demon Region Legendary Acrobunch", "Demon Regions Legend Acrobunch", "Ruins Legend Acrobunch" and "Acrobanch".

Acrobunch People (First 7 people) - Page 0

Katsue Miwa

Katsue Miwa

Japanese voice actress

Kei Tomiyama

Kei Tomiyama

Japanese actor

Kazuko Sugiyama

Kazuko Sugiyama

Japanese actress

Akio Nojima

Akio Nojima

Japanese actor

Shigeru Nakahara

Shigeru Nakahara

Voice actor

Yū Yamamoto

Yū Yamamoto


Tatsuya Randou

Tatsuya Randou

TV character