

Set in the late 17th century, on the Western coast of Africa, "Adangganan" is a provocative retelling of the African slave experience, based on facts. A rebellious young man, who refuses to marry his parents' choice of a bride, flees his village one evening, only to return to find his father and girlfriend slain, his village destroyed and his mother captured by a tribe of Amazon warriors. His efforts to free his mother lead to the kingdom of Adanggaman, where captives are held before sale.

Adanggaman People (First 6 people) - Page 0

Lokua Kanza

Lokua Kanza


Tiziana Soudani

Tiziana Soudani

Film producer

Christophe Pellet

Christophe Pellet

French filmmaker

Mohammed Soudani

Mohammed Soudani


Jean-Marie Adiaffi

Jean-Marie Adiaffi


Rasmané Ouedraogo

Rasmané Ouedraogo

Movie actor