C Bear and Jamal

C Bear and Jamal

C Bear and Jamal is an animated musical comedy children's television series that aired on the Fox Kids programming block from 1996 to 1997. It features an elementary school-aged boy named Jamal, whose constant companion was "C Bear", a orange hip-hop teddy bear who raps. Film Roman co-produced the show.

C Bear And Jamal People (First 10 people) - Page 0

Debbie Allen

Debbie Allen

American actress

Dawnn Lewis

Dawnn Lewis

American actress

Aries Spears

Aries Spears

American comedian

Tone Loc

Tone Loc

American rapper

Kim Fields

Kim Fields

American actress

Jeannie Elias

Jeannie Elias

Canadian voice actress



Brazilian football player

Arthur Reggie III

Arthur Reggie III


Danny Mann

Danny Mann

American voice actor

Dany Mann

Dany Mann
