

Channing is an hour-long American drama series that aired at 10:00 p. m. on ABC from September 18, 1963 to April 8, 1964. The series depicted life at fictitious Channing College, with Jason Evers in the lead role of Professor Joseph Howe, and Henry Jones as Fred Baker, the dean of the institution.

Channing People (First 11 people) - Page 0

Suzanne Pleshette

Suzanne Pleshette

American theatre actress

Dawn Wells

Dawn Wells

American actress

Joey Heatherton

Joey Heatherton

American actress

Chaley Rose

Chaley Rose

American actress

Marion Ross

Marion Ross

American actress

Keir Dullea

Keir Dullea

American actor

Henry Jones

Henry Jones

American actor

Jason Evers

Jason Evers

American actor

Max Decker

Max Decker


Veronica DiazCarranza

Veronica DiazCarranza


Donald Gordon

Donald Gordon

South African businessman