Chasing the Dream
George Carlin once ranted about golf: Instead of hitting the ball again, pick it up and go home -- you're lucky you found it in the first place! Chris Anderson and Robbie Biershenk might find that funny, but they're not yet ready to pick up their ball and go home. They're still chasing it, and in the process chasing their dreams of competing on the PGA Tour. This series chronicles the journeys of Anderson and Biershenk, both on and off the course, as they make the sacrifices necessary to pursue playing golf for a living. The 41-year-old Anderson is hoping to resurrect his pro career, having played on the Tour in 2003 and '05, while Biershenk, 35, is a former competitor on Golf Channel's "Big Break" reality series. His goal is to join his brother Tommy on the PGA Tour. … MORE