Drive In

Drive In

Drive In is an Italian television variety show, created by Antonio Ricci. The show's six seasons were broadcast by Italia 1 from 1983 to 1989. It was referred as the most innovative and popular Italian television show of the 1980s.

Drive In People (First 26 people) - Page 0

Lisa Oz

Lisa Oz

American author

Trey Wilson

Trey Wilson

American character actor

Eric Jungmann

Eric Jungmann

American film actor

Eva Grimaldi

Eva Grimaldi

Italian actress

Kasan Butcher

Kasan Butcher


Glenn Morshower

Glenn Morshower

American character actor

Rod Amateau

Rod Amateau

American television screenwriter

Ashley Cox

Ashley Cox

American model

Antonio Ricci

Antonio Ricci

Italian author

Gianfranco D'Angelo

Gianfranco D'Angelo

Italian actor

Andrew Parks

Andrew Parks

American film actor

Tamara Asseyev

Tamara Asseyev

American film producer

Enrico Beruschi

Enrico Beruschi

Italian comedian

Jessie Lee Fulton

Jessie Lee Fulton


Gary Lee Cavagnaro

Gary Lee Cavagnaro

American actor



Town in England

Bill McGee

Bill McGee

Baseball player

Kent Perkins

Kent Perkins

American football offensive tackle

Ashley Cox

Ashley Cox

American model

Edoardo Romano

Edoardo Romano


Sergio Vastano

Sergio Vastano


Ezio Greggio

Ezio Greggio

Italian comedian

Carla Palmer

Carla Palmer

Make-up artist

Giorgio Faletti

Giorgio Faletti

Italian writer

Nino Formicola

Nino Formicola


Stuart Croft

Stuart Croft
