Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas

Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas

Emmet and Ma Otter are very poor, but they are very happy and talented singers. Christmas is around the corner, and they both want to get the other a very special present. The prize in the talent show is $50. Both Emmet and Ma get a song ready for the competition; Emmet forms a jug band, and Ma practices alone, to vie with the Riverbottom Gang. …

Emmet Otter S Jug Band Christmas People (First 12 people) - Page 0

Paul Williams

Paul Williams

American journalist

Jim Henson

Jim Henson

American puppeteer

Frank Oz

Frank Oz

American actor

Jerry Nelson

Jerry Nelson

American puppeteer

Dave Goelz

Dave Goelz

American puppeteer

Richard Hunt

Richard Hunt

American puppeteer

Paul Speare

Paul Speare

English saxophonist

Marilyn Sokol

Marilyn Sokol

American actress

Statler and Waldorf

Statler and Waldorf

Muppet character

Eren Ozker

Eren Ozker

American-Turkish puppeteer

Paul Willems

Paul Willems

Belgian writer

Lillian Hoban

Lillian Hoban

American illustrator