Eyes in the Night

Eyes in the Night

Aided by his trusty guide dog, blind investigator Duncan MacLain (Edward Arnold) takes on a case brought to him by old acquaintance Norma Lawry (Ann Harding). One of Norma's past lovers, veteran actor Paul Gerente (John Emery), has become involved with her much younger stepdaughter, Barbara (Donna Reed), and this situation gets more dramatic when the thespian is found dead. Soon the investigation extends beyond the Lawry ladies to include a sinister Nazi scheme. …

Eyes In The Night People (First 19 people) - Page 0

Barry Nelson

Barry Nelson

American actor

Donna Reed

Donna Reed

American actress

Fred Zinnemann

Fred Zinnemann

Film director

Reginald Denny

Reginald Denny

English actor

Mantan Moreland

Mantan Moreland

American actor

Lennie Hayton

Lennie Hayton

American musician

Rosemary DeCamp

Rosemary DeCamp

American film actress

Marie Windsor

Marie Windsor


Stanley Ridges

Stanley Ridges


Steven Geray

Steven Geray

Film actor

Ann Harding

Ann Harding

American theatre actress

Guy Trosper

Guy Trosper

American screenwriter

Edward Arnold

Edward Arnold

American actor

Stephen McNally

Stephen McNally

American actor

Baynard Kendrick

Baynard Kendrick

Erik Rolf

Erik Rolf


Barrie Nelson

Barrie Nelson

Film director

Jack Chertok

Jack Chertok

American film producer

John Emery (actor)

John Emery (actor)

American film actor