Garfield's Pet Force

Garfield's Pet Force

This animated movie follows the adventures of the endearingly lazy Garfield, his cute fellow feline, Nermal, and their goofy dog companion, Odie. Although Garfield would normally rather be eating lasagna or any number of foods, he is recruited to fight the villain Vetvix in an alternate universe. Along with Nermal and Odie, Garfield becomes a superhero and must face off against Vetvix and her monstrous lackeys, who aim to conquer the cat's cartoon universe.

Garfield S Pet Force People (First 22 people) - Page 0

Bob Peterson

Bob Peterson

American animation director

John Davis

John Davis

Motorcycle racer

Jeff Fischer

Jeff Fischer

American voice actor

Jason Marsden

Jason Marsden

American actor

Mark A.Z. Dippé

Mark A.Z. Dippé

Japanese-American film director

Cathy Cavadini

Cathy Cavadini

American actress

Vanessa Marshall

Vanessa Marshall

American actress

Stephen Stanton

Stephen Stanton

American voice actor

Neil Ross

Neil Ross

Voice actor

Audrey Wasilewski

Audrey Wasilewski

American television actress

Ash R. Shah

Ash R. Shah

Film producer

Gregg Berger

Gregg Berger

American voice actor

Jennifer Darling

Jennifer Darling

American voice actress

Wally Wingert

Wally Wingert

American actor

David Michie

David Michie


Greg Eagles

Greg Eagles

American actor



Comic strip

Daniele Raffaeli

Daniele Raffaeli

Italian actor



Cartoon character

Jim Davis

Jim Davis

American cartoonist



Cartoon character

