Gordon and Paddy

Gordon and Paddy

Gordon & Paddy is a 2017 Swedish animated comedy-drama film directed by Linda Hambäck. The film is an adaptation of the book written by Ulf Nilsson and illustrated by Gitte Spee. The film was selected to be screened in the Generation Kplus section at the 68th Berlin International Film Festival.

Gordon And Paddy People (First 10 people) - Page 0

Tova Magnusson

Tova Magnusson

Swedish film actress

Martin Landquist

Martin Landquist

Swedish music producer

Christian Hillborg

Christian Hillborg


Johannes Bah Kuhnke

Johannes Bah Kuhnke

Swedish actor

Felix Herngren

Felix Herngren

Swedish director

Linda Hambäck

Linda Hambäck

Film producer

Ulf Nilsson

Ulf Nilsson

Swedish writer

Fredrik Ljungkvist

Fredrik Ljungkvist

Swedish jazz musician

Sven Brieger

Sven Brieger

Voice actor

Melinda Kinnaman

Melinda Kinnaman

Swedish-American actress ‧ Joel Kinnaman's sister