Half a Dozen Babies

Half a Dozen Babies

After years of struggling to successfully become pregnant, a young couple is shocked to deliver sextuplets. Based on a true story.

Half A Dozen Babies People (First 15 people) - Page 0

Douglas Barr

Douglas Barr

American actor

Nigel Bennett

Nigel Bennett

British actor

Kate McNeil

Kate McNeil

American actress

Judith Ivey

Judith Ivey

American actress

Catherine McNeil

Catherine McNeil

Australian fashion model

Melissa Reeves

Melissa Reeves

American actress

Ruth Marshall

Ruth Marshall

Canadian actress

Mike Storey

Mike Storey

Member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom

Phil Craig

Phil Craig

Film producer

Deborah Grover

Deborah Grover


Bill Macdonald

Bill Macdonald

TV personality

Eric Allaman

Eric Allaman

American composer

Scott Reeves

Scott Reeves

American actor

Shannon Rossiter

Shannon Rossiter


Philip Craig

Philip Craig
