Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight

Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight

This American adaptation of a Japanese series follows the adventures of young Kit Taylor, who stumbles upon a special deck of cards that allows him to tap into the power of the Kamen Riders, the protectors of Ventara, a mirror world opposite our own. He joins forces with Len, another youth with similar powers, after Kit discovers that his father, whom he lost as a child, is being held in a Ventara prison by General Xaviax, an evil alien.

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight People (First 11 people) - Page 0

Mark Dacascos

Mark Dacascos

American actor

Mike Moh

Mike Moh

American actor

Matt Mullins

Matt Mullins

American actor

Shotaro Ishinomori

Shotaro Ishinomori

Japanese manga artist

William O'Leary

William O'Leary

Former Teachta Dála of Ireland

Yvonne Arias

Yvonne Arias

American actress

Stephen Sean Ford

Stephen Sean Ford

American actor

Steve Wang

Steve Wang

Make-up artist

Jamison Jones

Jamison Jones

American actor

Matty Mullins

Matty Mullins

Tony Sano

Tony Sano

Japanese film star