Little Shop

Little Shop

Little Shop is a 1991 American/French animated fantasy comedy television series that aired on Saturday mornings on the Fox Kids TV network in 1991, about a teenager and a giant talking plant. Little Shop was based on the 1960 Roger Corman film The Little Shop of Horrors; Corman served as a consultant.

Little Shop People (First 9 people) - Page 0

Mark Ryan

Mark Ryan

English actor

Harvey Atkin

Harvey Atkin

Canadian actor

David Huband

David Huband

Canadian actor

Jennie Kwan

Jennie Kwan

American actress

Buddy Lewis

Buddy Lewis

Baseball player

Jenny Kwan

Jenny Kwan

Member of the House of Commons of Canada

Maik van Epple

Maik van Epple


Konstantin Moreth

Konstantin Moreth


Daniel Butterworth

Daniel Butterworth
