

Noozles, also known as The Wondrous Koala Blinky, is a 26-episode anime by Nippon Animation Company that was originally released in Japan in 1984. It depicts the adventures of a 12-year-old girl named Sandy and her koala friends, Blinky and Pinky, who are from the extra-dimensional realm of Koalawalla Land.

Noozles People (First 9 people) - Page 0

Cheryl Chase

Cheryl Chase

American actress

Heidi Lenhart

Heidi Lenhart

American actress

Edie Mirman

Edie Mirman

American voice actress

Dave Mallow

Dave Mallow

American voice actor

Jeff Winkless

Jeff Winkless

American film actor

Kerrigan Mahan

Kerrigan Mahan

American voice actor

Lara Cody

Lara Cody

American voice actress

Gregory Snegoff

Gregory Snegoff

American voice actor

Brianne Siddall

Brianne Siddall

American voice actress