He's back! Keith Olbermann, who left ESPN in 1997 on less-than-ideal terms ("He didn't burn bridges here, he napalmed them," is how an ESPN network press person famously described it), has rebuilt relationships at the network enough to return as host of a late-night show. The hourlong Monday through Friday offering focuses on the day's relevant sports topics, using a mix of perspective and commentary, interviews, contributors, panel discussions and highlights. What it won't include, stresses ESPN, is any political commentary from Olbermann, who has also worked as a political pundit on MSNBC and Current TV. Regarding his second act at the Worldwide Leader, Olbermann said, "We are indelibly intertwined, and I know we can't go back and undo everything that happened many years ago in those environs, but I would like to do my best to correct as much of it as I can, and I appreciate the fresh start." … MORE