Most quiz shows test contestants' knowledge of important topics like history, geography and literature with the winning contestant being the one who scores the most points. `Pointless' isn't most quiz shows. Contestants try to score as few points as possible by racking their brains and trying to come up with answers no one else can think of for general-knowledge questions. The contestants are asked the same questions that were previously asked of surveyed individuals, with the goal of giving the correct answers that were given least frequently by the people surveyed. If a contestant provides a correct answer that was not said by anyone in the survey, known as a pointless answer, they get no points and money is added to the jackpot, which is the grand prize a contestant can win for giving a correct pointless answer in the final round. The jackpot starts at £1,000 and keeps growing each episode until someone wins it, at which point it is reset to the original £1,000. … MORE