Say Anything...

Say Anything...

In a charming, critically acclaimed tale of first love, Lloyd (John Cusack), an eternal optimist, seeks to capture the heart of Diane (Ione Skye), an unattainable high-school beauty and straight-A student. It surprises just about everyone when she returns the sentiment. But Diane's overly possessive, divorced father (John Mahoney) doesn't approve and it will take more than the power of love to conquer all. … MORE

Say Anything People (First 34 people) - Page 0

Chynna Phillips

Chynna Phillips

American singer

Charles Walker

Charles Walker

Lois Chiles

Lois Chiles

American actress

Eric Stoltz

Eric Stoltz

American actor

Pamela Adlon

Pamela Adlon

American actress

John Mahoney

John Mahoney

Welsh footballer

Don Wilson Musician

Don Wilson Musician

Baseball pitcher

Jeremy Piven

Jeremy Piven

American actor

Bebe Neuwirth

Bebe Neuwirth

American actress

Cameron Crowe

Cameron Crowe

American journalist

Jason Gould

Jason Gould

American actor

Kovács László

Kovács László


Jaime Gómez

Jaime Gómez

American film actor

Anne Dudley

Anne Dudley


Lili Taylor

Lili Taylor

American actress

Loren Dean

Loren Dean

American actor

Ione Skye

Ione Skye

British-American actress

Richard Gibbs

Richard Gibbs

American film composer

Philip Baker Hall

Philip Baker Hall

American character actor

Polly Platt

Polly Platt

American film producer

Joanna Frank

Joanna Frank

American actress





Musical artist

Eric Stults

Eric Stults

Baseball pitcher

Glenn Walker Harris Jr.

Glenn Walker Harris Jr.


John J. Mahoney

John J. Mahoney

American Politician

Gloria Cromwell

Gloria Cromwell


Patrick O'Neill

Patrick O'Neill

Constance Dobler

Constance Dobler

John Cusack

John Cusack

American actor

Jason Dobler

Jason Dobler

Mindy Feldman

Mindy Feldman

Actress ‧ Corey Feldman's sister

Lloyd Dobler

Lloyd Dobler

Movie character

corey flood

corey flood