Star Twinkle PreCure

Star Twinkle PreCure

Star Twinkle Pretty Cure is a Japanese magical girl anime series by Toei Animation. It is the sixteenth installment in the Pretty Cure franchise, and the last series released in the Heisei period. and the sixteenth installment of the franchise, featuring the fourteenth generation of Cures.

Star Twinkle Precure People (First 8 people) - Page 0

Sachiko Kojima

Sachiko Kojima

Japanese actress

Misaki Kuno

Misaki Kuno


Madoka Yonezawa

Madoka Yonezawa

Japanese voice actress

Hina Kino

Hina Kino

Japanese voice actress

Kiyono Yasuno

Kiyono Yasuno

Japanese voice actress

Eimi Naruse

Eimi Naruse

Japanese singer

Aya Endo

Aya Endo

Japanese voice actress

Natsu Yorita

Natsu Yorita

Voice actress