Strange Hill High

Strange Hill High

This comedy-adventure series is created using an animation technique that combines puppetry, Japanese vinyl toys and digital effects. The story follows the unusual and absurd occurrences that happen at the inner-city school `Strange Hill High'. Students Mitchell, Tanner, Becky Butters and Templeton find themselves in the middle of every event, as they try to unravel the school's secrets and mysteries. The show is written by Josh Weinstein and voices include John Thomson, Richard Ayoade and Caroline Aherne. …

Strange Hill High People (First 11 people) - Page 0

Caroline Aherne

Caroline Aherne

English actress

Richard Ayoade

Richard Ayoade

British comedian

Alison Moyet

Alison Moyet


John Thomson

John Thomson


Matt King

Matt King

English actor

Emma Kennedy

Emma Kennedy


John Thompson

John Thompson

American basketball coach

Marc Silk

Marc Silk

Voice actor

Jonathan Keeble

Jonathan Keeble


Johnny Thomson

Johnny Thomson

Race car driver

Josh Weinstein

Josh Weinstein

American television writer