The Clay Pigeon

The Clay Pigeon

After a long coma, Navy veteran and former POW Jim Fletcher (Bill Williams) finally comes to, only to learn that he's awaiting trial for murder and treason. Jim also suffers from amnesia, but he's sure that he's innocent, so he buys time by escaping the hospital. He then reaches out to Martha Gregory (Barbara Hale), the widow of his best friend from the service, whom Jim's been accused of killing. He convinces her he's not guilty, and the pair investigate Jim's past, with the law in hot pursuit. …

The Clay Pigeon People (First 11 people) - Page 0

Richard Quine

Richard Quine

American director

Richard Fleischer

Richard Fleischer

American film director

Martha Hyer

Martha Hyer

American actress

Barbara Hale

Barbara Hale

American actress

Bill Williams

Bill Williams

American trader

Richard Loo

Richard Loo

American film actor

Carl Foreman

Carl Foreman

American screenwriter

Robert Bray

Robert Bray

Military personnel

Grandon Rhodes

Grandon Rhodes

American actor

Frank Fenton

Frank Fenton


Robert De Grasse

Robert De Grasse

American cinematographer