The Dreamstone

The Dreamstone

The Dreamstone was a British animated television series that ran for 4 seasons of 13 episodes each between 1990 and 1995. The original concept and artwork were created by Michael Jupp and the series was written by Sue Radley and Martin Gates.

The Dreamstone People (First 11 people) - Page 0

Scarlett Strallen

Scarlett Strallen


Leonard Whiting

Leonard Whiting


Anthony Jackson

Anthony Jackson

American bassist

Melvyn Hayes

Melvyn Hayes


Sheila Steafel

Sheila Steafel

British actress

Peter Craze

Peter Craze

British actor

Ellie Beaven

Ellie Beaven


Jackie Clarke

Jackie Clarke

New Zealand entertainer

Jacqueline Clarke

Jacqueline Clarke

TV actor

Gary Martin Musician

Gary Martin Musician

Football player

Michael Jupp

Michael Jupp

Cartoon artist