The Garment Jungle

The Garment Jungle

New York garment factory owner Walter Mitchell (Lee J. Cobb) goes the extra, deceitful mile in battling his employees' efforts to unionize. He hires gangster Artie Ravage (Richard Boone) to interfere with the grassroots efforts. After Mitchell's son, Alan (Kerwin Matthews), returns from Europe and befriends one of the union organizers (Robert Loggia), Mitchell eventually tries to mend his unethical ways. Unfortunately, this does not sit well with the violent, vengeful Ravage. …

The Garment Jungle People (First 21 people) - Page 0

Leith Stevens

Leith Stevens

American musical composer

Richard Boone

Richard Boone

American actor

Joseph Biroc

Joseph Biroc

American cinematographer

Robert Loggia

Robert Loggia

American actor

Joseph Wiseman

Joseph Wiseman

Canadian theatre actor

Robert Aldrich

Robert Aldrich

American film director

Gia Scala

Gia Scala

American actress

Adam Williams

Adam Williams

American film actor

Harold J. Stone

Harold J. Stone

American film actor

Valerie French

Valerie French

Film actress

Kerwin Mathews

Kerwin Mathews

American actor

Vincent Sherman

Vincent Sherman

American director

Robert Ellenstein

Robert Ellenstein

American actor

Wesley Addy

Wesley Addy

American actor

Willis Bouchey

Willis Bouchey

American character actor

Robert Aldridge

Robert Aldridge

American composer

J. Stone

J. Stone

Musical artist



Programming language

Celia Lovsky

Celia Lovsky

American actress

Harry Kleiner

Harry Kleiner

American screenwriter

Madelyn Darrow

Madelyn Darrow
