The King's Avatar

The King's Avatar

The King's Avatar is a donghua ONA series aired in 2017, based on the light novel of the same name written by Hu Dielan. The series depicted the fictional esports scene in China where the story revolves around a multiplayer online video game called Glory. The series was produced by Chinese internet company Tencent.

The King S Avatar People (First 9 people) - Page 0

You Yangs

You Yangs

Mountain range in Australia

Leon Lai Yi

Leon Lai Yi

Chinese actor

Lai Yumeng

Lai Yumeng


Yang Yang

Yang Yang

Chinese actor

Li Junchen

Li Junchen


Zhang Jie

Zhang Jie

Voice actor

Zhang Jie

Zhang Jie

Chinese voice actor

Jiang Shuying

Jiang Shuying

Chinese actress

Liang Sen

Liang Sen
