The Millennial Bee

The Millennial Bee

This decades-spanning drama by filmmaker Juraj Jakubisko follows the lives of a Slovak family at the turn of the 20th century and in subsequent years. The first half of the film centers on small-town builder and beekeeper Martin Pichanda (Jozef Kroner) ; the second part focuses on his sons and the various changes in their country, including the arrival of World War I. While the family tries to find happiness and success, the turmoil of their surroundings makes these goals elusive. …

The Millennial Bee People (First 13 people) - Page 0

Juraj Jakubisko

Juraj Jakubisko

Slovak film director

Petr Hapka

Petr Hapka

Czech composer

Štefan Kvietik

Štefan Kvietik


Jozef Kroner

Jozef Kroner

Slovak actor

Eva Jakoubková

Eva Jakoubková


Pavol Mikulík

Pavol Mikulík


Jiří Císler

Jiří Císler


Peter Jaroš

Peter Jaroš

Slovak writer

Jozef Paštéka

Jozef Paštéka

Movie director

Ivan Drozdy

Ivan Drozdy


Michal Dočolomanský

Michal Dočolomanský

Slovak actor

Teodor Piovarči

Teodor Piovarči


Barbora Štěpánová

Barbora Štěpánová
