The Owl

The Owl

The Owl, also known as La Chouette in French, is a series of short CGI-animated episodes for children's television. The series features the eponymous Owl, pink in color, and with blue feet that "float" below his body.

The Owl People (First 18 people) - Page 0

Sylvester Levay

Sylvester Levay


Adrian Paul

Adrian Paul

English actor

Alan Scarfe

Alan Scarfe

British-Canadian actor

Brian Thompson

Brian Thompson

American actor

Rick Zumwalt

Rick Zumwalt

American actor

Patricia Charbonneau

Patricia Charbonneau

American actress

Bill Todman Jr.

Bill Todman Jr.

American executive producer ‧ Bill Todman's son

Erika Flores

Erika Flores

American actress

Gregory Scott Cummins

Gregory Scott Cummins

American character actor

David Anthony Marshall

David Anthony Marshall


Thomas Rosales Jr.

Thomas Rosales Jr.

American actor



French caricaturist

Kim LeMasters

Kim LeMasters

Film producer

Mark Lowenthal

Mark Lowenthal


Bob Forward

Bob Forward

American writer

Billy Sly Williams

Billy Sly Williams


Sly Williams

Sly Williams

American basketball player

Andrias Høgenni

Andrias Høgenni

Film director