Twelve Months

Twelve Months

Twelve Months is a 1980 animated feature film directed by Yugo Serikawa, Kimio Yabuki and Tetsuo Imazawa, produced by Toei Animation from Japan in partnership with Soyuzmultfilm from the Soviet Union. It was based on the fairy tale of the same name written by Samuil Marshak.

Twelve Months People (First 8 people) - Page 0

Samuil Marshak

Samuil Marshak

Soviet writer

Kōji Yakusho

Kōji Yakusho

Japanese actor

Otake Shinobu

Otake Shinobu

Japanese actress

Osamu Tezuka

Osamu Tezuka

Japanese manga artist

Katsuji Mori

Katsuji Mori

Japanese actor

Kimio Yabuki

Kimio Yabuki

Japanese animator

Ichirō Nagai

Ichirō Nagai


Hidekatsu Shibata

Hidekatsu Shibata

Japanese actor