Which Way Home

Which Way Home

In this gripping documentary, a group of young, unaccompanied Central American children struggle to make their way through Mexico, in order to ultimately reach the United States and jump the border to a new home. Director Rebecca Cammisa follows the struggles of these would-be illegal aliens as they battle poverty, dangerous train rides and potential predators, keeping their sights set on the possibility of a better life that awaits in a new country. …

Which Way Home People (First 8 people) - Page 0

Cybill Shepherd

Cybill Shepherd

American actress

Peta Toppano

Peta Toppano

Australian actress

Lorenzo Hagerman

Lorenzo Hagerman


James Lavino

James Lavino

American composer

Lianne Halfon

Lianne Halfon

Film producer

Andrew Holbrooke

Andrew Holbrooke


Rebecca Cammisa

Rebecca Cammisa

American filmmaker

Jack Turner Actor

Jack Turner Actor

Australian non-fiction writer